Melissa Van Diepen

Chief Philanthropy Officer
209.576.1608 x104

What is your role at SCF?
As the Chief Philanthropy Officer, I oversee our asset development and marketing efforts with a focus on increasing the philanthropic impact of current donors and creating a culture of philanthropy that attracts future donors.



What do you like most about working at the foundation?
The work that is happening here is incredibly dynamic. Stanislaus Community Foundation is in the unique position of affecting the common good through strategic philanthropy. It’s exciting and humbling to be a part of this talented team.


What is your favorite thing to do in Modesto?
There are almost too many things to list. My family loves to waterski, so in the summer, you’ll often find us at the lake skiing and hitting Roberts Ferry Nut Company for milkshakes on the way home. I’m often spotted on the Virginia Trail running or walking or riding my bike on the Tuolumne River Regional Trail with my husband. 


What is your go-to coffee order?
Medium Americano with a splash of cream. I know, boring.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Buying workout clothes.

Favorite podcast?
It’s a tie for me, Armchair Expert and Ten Percent Happier are my go-to podcasts.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird.