Jessica Tapia

Administrative & Scholarships Coordinator
209.576.1608 x100

What is your role at SCF?
As the Administrative and Scholarships Coordinator, I provide support to the CEO and Controller, coordinate special events, maintain our office, and perform other clerical duties. I also assist with all aspects of the scholarship program to ensure it is a seamless process for applicants.



What do you like most about working at the foundation?
I like the teamwork, communication, and the impact SCF has made in our community. I also get to meet different people that are committed to making Stanislaus County a better place.


What is your favorite thing to do in Stanislaus County?
My favorite thing to do here in Stanislaus County is to go shopping and stop by at local restaurants. 


What is your go-to coffee order?
Caramel Macchiato upside down.

Favorite late-night snack?

Dream vacation?

Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl… for now.